喬喬的Family Day微電影預告片(喬喬x喬爸x蔡阿嘎)

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微電影《雲端的擁抱》Embracing Clouds

微電影《雲端的擁抱》Embracing Clouds John,生活充滿工作,凡事追求效率,總是運用資訊服務提升工作效能,讓生活更加便利。 Angela,喜歡四處旅行,享受旅途中的樂趣與精彩體驗,認為生命就要與美好的事物相遇。 當生活於不同世界的兩個人在台灣相遇後,是否會磨擦出愛情的火花,找到更適合倆人的BEST life呢… John works all the time, deals everything efficiently, and always make good use of IT-services to improve efficiency and make life becomes more convenient. Angela loves travel around, enjoys the excitements and great experiences during the trips, and always believes that life should be meant to meet wonderful things. When these two different life style people meet in Taiwan, would there be something happening between them, and moreover, could they create their own BEST life?