20 則迴響於《微電影【快遞】

  1. all i have to say is that i loved the lighting but beside that ……story is pretty shit and way too much effects……….i thought it would be more realistic, anyhow is a thumbs up!!! keep on the good job

  2. @hwmvbts Yeah bro this site is just sending out comletely free Black Apple iPad 4’s for today only. But you do have to be from the U.S though but it is all real, I claimed my one a few minutes ago. Get in quick! bit.ly/ZR2bD1?=gkfmi

  3. 我想導演比較天馬行空
    生活的現實面 , 無論是誰都會有想逃離的時候
    想像"如果事情是往另一面發展呢? 會變得如何呢?"

    *ps :  我是台灣人 …

  4. 片子拍得有点粗糙,快递工作要保护人的隐私,怎能如此这般地看别人的录像?撞了车,汽车说了一句,连人都不扶就走了,怎么可能?快递可以直接上楼,台湾楼门难道都是开着的?快递工作的时候,整个下午为被自己喜欢上的客户跳舞,职业操守呢?导演是不是可能逻辑思维差了一些?


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