澳洲微電影《再一次心跳》精選花絮 5

追蹤羅志祥及楊丞琳在澳洲拍攝的最新微電影《再一次心跳》,一連五集逢星期六在澳洲天然樂園YouTube 香港頻道推出。睇完微電影,可以到我哋嘅Facebook專頁回答簡單問題,即有機會贏取來回澳洲嘅機票!詳情請到: www.facebook.com

11 則迴響於《澳洲微電影《再一次心跳》精選花絮 5

  1. I fell like the scene were they are together at the sofa is even more provocative than were they kiss cuz she is recline on his exposed chest plus she is totaly in his embrace . . . . Loved that part never seen Show in a scene like that before.

  2. 2:41 丞琳的笑聲 好有渲染力
    2:50 那個笑聲 真的好可愛!!!!!
    總是充滿歡樂的氣氛 ~~~太有愛了


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